4월 142008

Media Psychology미디어심리학, Group #6 Presentation.S. Shyam Sundar(2004), Theorizing Interactivity’s Effects, The Information Society, 20: 385–389논문 초록AbstractNoting that interactivity is often defined but seldom theorized in the literature, this article provides some pointers for developing theories about effects of interactivity, particularly as it applies to Web-based mass communication. It first makes the case that interactivity is […]

4월 132008

DIESENDRUCK Gil; MARKSON Lori (2001), Children’s avoidance of lexical overlap: A pragmatic account, Developmental Psychology. 2001 Sep Vol 37(5) 630-641 AbstractChildren tend to choose an unfamiliar object rather than a familiar one when asked to find the referent of a novel name. This response has been taken as evidence for the operation of certain lexical […]

4월 122008

  3개의 모집단을 비교하고자 할때 분산분석 방법을 알지 못한다면 두 독립집단끼리의 비교를 하는 t검정을 세번 실시해야 할 것이다. 세 집단 이상 비교를 가능하게 하기 위해서는 집단간 변화량 과 집단내 변화량을 비교하는 방법으로 피셔에 의하여 제안된 분산분석 방법을 사용해야 한다. 이는  F분포에 의하여 검정된다. 분산분석 : 분산의 원인이 어디에 있는가를 알아보는 통계적 방법이다.  동일한 세개의 집단에 […]

4월 062008

2008 Korea-U.S. Journalists Exchange   April 1- 17, 2008   U.S. Fellows’ Biographies         Hanah Cho Business Reporter The Baltimore Sun Baltimore, Maryland   Hanah Cho has been a reporter at The Baltimore Sun for the past four years, covering everything from courts to education to government.   She has spent the […]

4월 062008

Vikram K. Jaswal and Mikkel B. Hansen (2006), Learning words: children disregard some pragmatic information that conflicts with mutual exclusivity, Developmental Science 9:2 (2006), pp 158–165 AbstractChildren tend to infer that when a speaker uses a new label, the label refers to an unlabeled object rather than one they already know the label for. Does […]

3월 302008

4179278801.ppt준거 criterion최  혜  원       심  현  주이  훈  재       황  성  민김  민  석       황  고  운1. 준거 관련 스크랩2. Prime 산업 분석 –준거 분석 및 문제점-3. Prime 산업 자료 분석4. Prime 산업이 나가아야 할 길

3월 302008

Susan A. Gelman and Gail D. Heyman (1999), CARROT-EATERS AND CREATURE-BELIEVERS: The Effects of Lexicalization on Children’s Inferences About Social Categories, Psychological Science Vol 10(6), pp. 489-493 AbstractThis article examines how language affects children’s inferences about novel social categories. We hypothesized that lexicalization (using a noun label to refer to someone who possesses a certain […]

3월 232008

SIMON BARON-COHEN, ALAN M. LESLIE, UTA FRITH (1985), Does the autistic child have a “theory of mind”?, Cognition, 21 (1985) 37–46 AbstractWe use a new model of metarepresentational development to predict a cognitivedeficit which could explain a crucial component of the social impairment inchildhood autism. One of the manifestations of a basic metarepresentational capacityis a […]