4월 142008

Media Psychology미디어심리학, Group #6 Presentation.

S. Shyam Sundar(2004), Theorizing Interactivity’s Effects, The Information Society, 20: 385–389

논문 초록Abstract
Noting that interactivity is often defined but seldom theorized in the literature, this article provides some pointers for developing theories about effects of interactivity, particularly as it applies to Web-based mass communication. It first makes the case that interactivity is an attribute of the technology and not that of the user. It exposes the tautology of studying the effects of perceived interactivity and calls for the consideration of ontological aspects that constitute interactivity while specifying its social and psychological effects. Theoretical explorations may be categorized in terms of three classes of outcome measures—behavioral, attitudinal, and cognitive—as we investigate the role played by interactivity in initiating action, changing attitudes, and altering the nature of information processing. These would result in theories about technology rather than psychology in that they help us specify direct and combination effects of interactivity, modality, navigability, and other technological attributes of the Web medium.

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Hello, My name is Lee Hoonjae. and My part is “interactivity effects on behavior”

Various interactive media which we mentioned earlier, can cause behavioral response. we usually call it “interaction”  So,  When we study “interactivity”, it is necessary to find out what effects can be occurred by interactivity.

We can examine “Interactivity Effects on Behavior” for the following two dimension.  “volume” , and “nature”  and let me show you what these terms mean.

Volume literally means the amounts of behavioral responses.  By measuring how many actions can be caused by interactivity,  we can estimate how much interactive a certain media is,  This is a jacksonpollock.org, a famous flash web-site.  do you guys know jacksonpollock? he is an eminent action-painter, who is well-known for the painting skill, “dripping” .  and this site provides you to simulate “dripping” directly.   Every moment I move the mouse cursor, drops of paint fall on the screen immediately.  it’ so interactive.  If I move the mouse slowly, then the big bubble drop, and moving fast then there are small drop.  And click to change color…  um.   finally I move the cursor so madly.  because of  these interactive technical characteristics.  and it indicates high volume.

But, suppose that you read just usual web zine. then what we do is just reading the article with eyes. you don’t need to click or move your mouse. that is low volume, less interactive web site.

Then, nature. what is “nature” ?  Nature means “differently defined interactivity in each different case. Media, Is it more interactive just because more volume? Considering “Customization”, it’s not exactly like that.  This google RSS (really simple syndication) reader site can subscribe several XML addresses that was published in many newspaper companies. User can force this site to show only the section that he or she want to read. New articles are viewed at just one page. therefore we don’t have to click to surf the internet. and it means low volume. but we think of this customized web technology as interactive media.  If  I access to newspaper sites directly, it’s somewhat annoying.  but it calls to more click until arriving this “politics” section.

Now, this is an example, “Digital divide”, that shows how to apply behavioral effects to real world. About Digital divide, someone can easily say “generation gap is the problem.”  but As majoring journalism or media student, we can say it with more theoretical word.  As you know interactivity increases  the volume.  but actual increase is different depending on personal variables. such as computer using skills.  In this diagram, Tom is a computer geek, so digital devices change tom’s behavioral volume largely.  But in the case of Tom’s grandmother, Jill, who is poor at new technology,  Interactivity can’t cause change of behavior.  And this difference is “Digital Divide”.  right ?
Actually, there are many other variables besides personal variable, that influence the interactivity effects on behavior. 

For example, Navigability. Navigability means “the degree of ease when surfing and navigate the web-site pages” there are so many hyperlink menu in one web site. and if you don’t get lost and knowing where you are, you can easily move on other menu. that’s a high navigability. in this news site, you can move from political section to sports section very easily.  High navigability causes High volume of behavior.   But in this my favorite academic information site,  you are likely to lost your way for low navigability.  where is the home button ?  If you want to go other menu, you always have to click  “back” button.  it’s so terrible. I don’t want to click more.

Content is also a similar variable.  here is a web-banner that informs you who are an elected people in the last general election in Korea.  It consists of  interactive characteristics that calls to action,  such as the phrase “GO”, and “blinking title”.   but you guys,  are you going to click this banner ?  maybe you not.  since most of korean students have political apathy.  in other words,  according to the content, interactivity effects on behavior can vary. do you know the fact that only 19 percent of twenties, 20대 voters went to polls  for this election ?  I think that democracy of Korea is endangered.
Um, then, Are interactivity’s effects only on behavior ?  Of course not.  Let’s look at the pop-up ads.  when the ads windows pop up, then we have to click the “close button” to close the window. it’s a interaction.  But that’s not all.  pop-up ads often influence our emotions. It can cause societal responses like annoying, bothering.  that is an interactivity effects on attitude.  and now, I’ve finished my part,  next presentor 고아침, who is hansome  will go on about that. 

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